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Mark Camilleri should learn to get his facts right: I hope that the Chamber of Advocates will find time to defend lawyer Mario Mifsud from Mark Camilleri’s attack.

Mark Camilleri wrote an article to attack lawyer Mario Mifsud after the latter’s name appeared in the media. It is not my intention to speak about this case. However, I am writing about what Camillieri stated about me at the end of the article. Camilleri said that Mario Mifsud is my lawyer. This is not true. Mario Mifsud was my lawyer, and I can add that when Dr. Mifsud acted as my lawyer, he was always serious, loyal and honest in his work.

It is the prerogative of citizens to choose the lawyers they want, and no one has any right to dictate what lawyers are chosen by the citizens in any democratic country.

But what struck me most is how Camilleri, who is today in cahoots with the Repubblichini, the media of the Catholic Church and the PN, uses mental health to insult people. Such labels as “demented” confirm the mediocrity of this man who is supported by the PN apparatik and Roberta Metsola. However, this is understandable because today, the PN is a Centre-Left Party.

I hope the Chamber of Advocates will issue an official condemnation as they did when a lawyer close to the Repubblichini was attacked in the media. Statements attacking lawyers with confirmed or presumed mental illnesses should not be acceptable in our democratic country, in particular when the state is spending money to fight mental stigmas.

3 thoughts on “Mark Camilleri should learn to get his facts right: I hope that the Chamber of Advocates will find time to defend lawyer Mario Mifsud from Mark Camilleri’s attack.

  1. So Camilleri was wrong because Mifsud is not your lawyer but he was. You also must be lucky he did not bite you then. Fully agree about the rest of the article. The biggest working harmony at present is BETWEEN Camilleri hu il-fartas. Il-fartas is in great demend at present so he finds it easy to work with others so as he could push out his projects. He believes that he had managed build quit a librery, but he cannot for obvious reasons push-out certian things himself, so he have to find someone like Camilleri who is willing to take the risk, because there is a lot of risk when one aquires information a glandistyn way.

  2. This modern day trend as refined at present level is akin to a QARNITA which operates with many fingers – repubblika, ocopyjustice, ta-lixkupa, lovinmalta, shiftnews, individuals personally out of the above, those/some that try thier best to not seem to operate directly with the above like il-fartas hu Camilleri. This system is operating like A JARRA GEJJA HU SEJRA, LIKE THE SAYING SAYS – FLAHAR IL-GARRA GEJJA HU SEJRA TAQQA HU TINKISER.

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