Where your opinion counts

If you are a friend of Jason Azzopardi, you can break a court ban with impunity. If you are not Jason Azzopardi’s friend, the Labour government pays lawyers, with our taxes, to institute proceedings against you in Court.

We have read in the media about the ongoing issue between Mark Camilleri and Rosianne Cutajar panning out in Court. Mark Camilleri’s lawyer argued in Court that his client was doing what the police should have done!

So now we have a situation where the argument is that Mark Camilleri is doing the work for the police. Consequently, Mark Camilleri did not break the court ban when he published the chats on which a court ban existed prohibiting publication!

We have also learnt that a person who was breaking the ban is Jason Azzopardi, the lawyer of the family Caruana Galizia. This lawyer had the gall to beg the Court to institute proceedings against me on the false grounds that I had broken a court order, and Magistrate Rachel Montebello upheld Jason Azzopardi’s reasoning!
Thus, proceedings were set in motion against me in the name of the family of Caruana Galizia, and the State is paying for all these proceedings. The Caruana Galizia family have not paid a single cent to open this case against me. On the other hand, I must defend myself and pay out of my pocket. Moreover, the State is paying a lawyer to ensure I am condemned. This is the Rule of Law in this country!

This is the spirit of the Rule of Law that the Labour Government has created, and the Minister of Justice remains silent when faced with all this.

In Mark Camilleri’s case, the Court Registrar did not proceed against the former even though he had published chats on which there was a Court ban. The same goes for Jason Azzopardi, who ignored the court ban, and the Registrar did not act.

We then have our Chief Justice – who belongs to Opus Dei, like Jason Azzopardi once did – who is fooling the population when he states that, in our Courts, justice is administered fairly to one and all. One has to be either naïve or a simpleton to believe the Chief Justice. He ought to know better. There is ample proof that contradicts his broad declaration. No, Mr Justice, we are not treated equally in Malta, and those on the bench are not as impartial as they should be. Justice, my foot.

And because they are impartial, they have the full backing of the Venice Commission, corrupt journalists and the EU institutions.

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