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Are our hospitals truly under control?

Blog post by Marica Micallef

Talk.mt has published an article on 10th June whereby Dr Fearne has explained that the situation in our hospitals is under control because there are 31 patients recovering from Covid and two patients in ITU:

“Fearne spjega li s-sitwazzjoni fl-isptarijiet tagħna għadha waħda taħt kontroll fejn hemm 31 persuna rikoverati filwaqt li hemm żewġ persuni fit-Taqsima tal-Kura Intensiva, liema każi ilhom hemm numru ta’ xhur.”

But I have received the following information from a medical staff which states:

To add to the above, I am also observing a lot of emergency nurse’s cars driving fast on our roads.

Considering that we do not have a lot of ambulances to rise to these needs, can Dr Fearne explain what he means exactly when he says that our hospitals under control, when it is clearly that they are not?

2 thoughts on “Are our hospitals truly under control?

  1. X’riedet tghid biha “not vaccinated”? Issa ser nibdew nintimbraw in-nies? Dawk jabbed u mhumiex?

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