Where your opinion counts

Some background to Matthew Caruana Galizia’s Facebook post

Yesterday, I wrote an article about a Facebook post by Matthew Caruana Galizia. I argued that had I uploaded such a post, I would immediately been charged with contempt of court. However, I have never resorted to such comments. What I attempt to do is to write fair comments and analysis. Matthew Caruana Galizia’s post was the following:

Not sure whether I miss my mother more when Keith Schembri and Konrad Mizzi are arrested or when watching Magistrate Aaron Bugeja’s registrar making lasagne with octopus and strawberry yoghurt in her leopard print dressing gown. Hope you’re having a laugh in heaven.

Judge Aaron Bugeja’s court assistant at the moment is a woman but she is not the same person Matthew Caruana Galizia refers to in his post. When Aaron Bugeja was still a magistrate, he had another court assistant who is posting videos on Facebook and Youtube under the heading Doris and Joel’s Kitchen

Meanwhile, I have received a private message from somebody who knows the background story. He said that the woman in question – the subject of Matthew Caruana Galizia’s post –  stopped working for Judge Aaron Bugeja a long time ago. She is now assisting Magistrate Yana Micallef Stafrace.

Therefore, Matthew Caruana Galizia is not only wrong in his assertion that Aaron Bugeja is (still) a magistrate, when this gentleman has been a judge for the past year and a half, but also Caruana Galizia is wrong when attributing this “lasagne” story to his court assistant when, in fact, this lady is not working with the Judge but is working with magistrate Yana Micallef Stafrace. This is the message I received:

Mela, sopra corna bastonate, għadni kif ikkonfermajt ma’ bniedma tagħmel l-istess xogħol il-qorti li dik il-povra proxxma li jaqbad magħha Matthew Caruana Galizia, lanqas biss għadha ma’ Aaron Bugeja iżda qegħdha ma’ Yana Micallef Stafrace.”

From a purely humane perspective, does the simple fact that this woman, once worked for Judge Bugeja – ‘guilty’ of dismantling the Egrant lie – make her automatically fair game for Matthew Caruana Galizia to present her as a subject of derision by the usual chauvinism inherited from his late mother’s blog?

Indeed, over the past hours following Matthew’s post, this poor woman has been the target of numerous denigrating comments on social media, some of them very cruel and outright malicious, some of which you can see for yourselves here:


Is this Matthew Caruana Galizia’s way of reminding us about the least-eulogized aspect of his late mother’s legacy?

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