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The Ugly Face of War, and where is Malta in all of this? 

By Alexander D’Agata, as Independent Candidate for the E.U. Elections

There is no justification for war; ordinary people never want war; they want to get on with their lives in peace and raise their families in a safe and secure environment. Yet ordinary civilians have never had any say in warmongering, and it is they who bear the brunt of war. Those who initiate wars decide on the strategies and give the orders but do not fight on the battleground. It’s always the young that suffer the consequences of death and destruction that are the inevitable consequences of any War. 

The war machine is a death cult driven by the hate and greed of the few who are in the driving seat of world events, in charge of the military and the media propaganda, which directs people’s perception to their ends. The media’s purpose is to instigate hate into the minds of ordinary people and nurture approval for their nefarious intentions and actions. Their policy has always been to divide and rule. They laugh at the nonsense narrative they feed the ordinary people while they sit back in safety and watch them fight each other, while their pockets overflow with profits and their power grows stronger. 

The two world wars of the 20th century decimated millions of lives, not to mention the suffering they caused. When we dig deeper, we find that these wars were sponsored by a hidden hand on both fronts and subsequently gained much from these conflicts. The primary purpose behind every war is always enormous financial interest. 

The 21st century was initiated by an event that shocked the world with the apparent attack by terrorists on the Twin Towers in New York. It is known today that it was an inside job, a psy-op event that needed the motivation to invade Iraq, under the watching eye of U.S. President Bush and U.K. Prime  Minister Tony Blair, accusing Saddam Hussein of having weapons of mass destruction. They called this a ‘war against terrorism’, which after the invasion of Iraq proved to be a lie as no weapons of mass destruction were found. Never mind that thousands of Iraqis being killed and their country devasted.  

The subsequent occupation of the U.S. soldiers in Baghdad did nothing to improve the conditions of the civilians. When two Reuter journalists and other Iraqi passers-by were shot at in cold blood by U.S. soldiers from a helicopter, it was broadcast live on social media by Wikileaks through Private Manning, who was the whistleblower, was arrested and underwent solitary confinement for months, while Julian Assange from Wikileaks is still suffering the consequences for exposing the truth. 

Recently, retired General Wesley Clark spoke up about the U.S.A.’s plan to destroy seven countries in five years in the Middle East to destabilize the region. There was never any private dialogue about these plans, and neither senators nor Congress denounced them. Meanwhile, besides Iraq, the U.S. and its allies have since ravaged and demolished  Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Syria, and they intend to finish their plan with Iran; today, we see Ukraine being devastated at the same time.

One needs to question, who are the real terrorists that are terrorizing the entire planet? General Wesley asks who controls the U.S. military and what their purpose is. Who do they work for? The truth is emerging today.  

The media always plays a significant part in World events. It is the most potent weapon that plays deception, as its role is to manipulate the perception of reality on behalf of the vested interest parties; at present, it’s the Globalist Agenda that the Media is promoting. We need to stop letting others shape our view of the world and understand that a group of people runs and controls our world, mostly in secret. It isn’t easy to see through it as it has been going on for hundreds if not thousands of years. 

There are presently two wars being fought practically on our doorstep. The war in Ukraine is again supported by the U.S., U.K., NATO, and its allies in  Europe, and they are all pitted against Putin, who has been demonized in every twist and turn by the Western media. The reason for Putin’s war of aggression on Ukraine is claimed to be to annex Ukraine to Russia. There is no mention that Ukraine’s move to become a member of NATO is considered a threat in this area. This move was part of this strategy. It was intended to break the Western alliance being built with Russia. This alliance was to seek to promote peace in Donbas and not fund war.

Then, there are the injustices committed to thousands of ethnic  Russians by Ukrainians.

Mainstream media never drew any attention to this. Neither did they expose the Nazi insignia on some uniforms of the Ukrainian soldiers, nor did it mention the 26 bio-labs that existed in Ukraine belonging to the American investors such as Black Rock and others, including the European countries before the start of this war and which the Russian armies have now destroyed; after Wuhan, we know now that wars today can be fought by means other than missiles and guns. Putin was accused of exploding his own North Stream pipeline. It turned out to be an absurd lie by Western media.  Although every underhanded move is ultimately and inevitably exposed, the  Western press still spreads misinformation, which its fact checker backs. In the meantime, Ukraine, which was the breadbin of Europe exporting its wheat worldwide, has been devastated and its wheat poisoned.  

No doubt, mighty companies like Blackrock and Vanguard intend to move in to share the spoils and rebuild the country in line with their stakeholders’ financial interests. The agriculture sector has already been signed off to make way for them to grow soya to be used as artificial meat.  Everything is planned perfectly. Coincidently, cows have now become redundant due to the C02 lie.  

On the other War front, the October 7th attack on Israel marks a sad moment for innocent civilians by Hamas. Now, this has turned into a systematic genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza. This war of retribution has been ongoing for six months. Of the 30 thousand who have died, half of them were children, and the U.S. government, U.K. government, and the European parliament championed Israel while the people of every Nation called for a ceasefire; however, it fell on deaf ears. Nobody in the mainstream media ever questioned why the border of Israel in that region was left unguarded that day and who was behind the unprovoked attack by Hamas. The photograph of John Kerry of the U.S.A. with members of Isis was splashed on social media some years back. There has always been proof of a hidden hand behind any terrorist attack. 

Meanwhile, voices from the Jewish population in Israel and abroad have vocally distanced themselves from this ongoing genocide and have repeatedly asked for it to stop. But governments do not listen to people anymore; we elect them only to be treated like imbeciles. Governments have an agenda that needs completion. Iran has reacted in defence of the Palestinians, and an escalation of this conflict is now expected. The U.S. will always arm Israel, stoking a regional war. The aim of changing the Middle East is happening, and the situation is evolving into a recipe for permanent conflict and instability. So now Israel needs to protect its borders. Iran is threatening them with a missile attack, Lebanon is ready for War, Yemen is sending troops to fight against Israel, and Syria and Russia have soldiers on Israel’s borders. 

The case of the 130 Israeli hostages held by Hamas is constantly on the news. But we never hear about the untold thousands of Palestinian child hostages held by Israel, kidnapped from their homes, or killed. Israel is the only country in the world that tries children in military courts and has a 99.7 conviction rate.  It happens every day, and it is shameful that only the attack of October 7th is mentioned. 

So where is Malta in all this mess? Our Constitution safeguards Malta’s Neutrality. And yet, our government has been enticed by NATO to send our Maltese soldiers to fight in their wars. This is total madness. 

A NATO delegation headed by Brigadier General Martin Remes arrived on January 26th 2024, presumably to give an overview of the operation capabilities concepts, an evaluation, and a feedback program.  

In brief, NATO came to examine closer operational relationships between the alliance and potential contributors to NATO-led operations with multi-national missions around the globe for aspiring nations to seek inclusion with NATO  reactionary forces division. In other words, we are invited to contribute to NATO-led operations worldwide. 

Therefore, the armed forces of Malta will need to be ready for deployment anywhere that NATO dictates. 

It is written that Malta cannot join any military alliance, and NATO is precisely that. 

Malta’s Neutrality is etched in our Constitution, which states, ‘Malta is a neutral  state actively pursuing peace, security and social progress among all nations by  adhering to a policy of non-alignment and refusing to participate in any  military alliance.’ 

Malta signed a Treaty when we joined the European Union, in which the Republic of Malta declared its Neutrality. It specifies that any decision by the  Union to move to a joint defence would have to be made by a unanimous decision of the European Council and adopted by the Member States according to their respective constitutional requirements. 

How does it benefit our Nation to be involved in proxy wars under the pretence of peace, a war that has nothing to do with us? Our government has lost its marble or compromised!

Why send our military as cannon fodder to serve the interests of predatory nations? Why are agreements to protect our Nation being broken and ignored? Breaking our Neutrality will create enemies we don’t need, making us more vulnerable than we already are. What we need is the autonomy to make choices. We don’t need enemies. 

Neutrality is our strength and our privilege. With what Authority is it being taken away without the informed consent of the Maltese people? The population will ultimately suffer the repercussions and consequences of a conflict that does not concern us, except in offering humanitarian aid where needed. 

Involvement in any war cannot benefit our Nation.

I humbly ask for your support and vote for me to stand in your name in the European Union to ensure that together, we will fight to make sure the E.U. will not be hijacked and our human rights and privileges preserved. 

I dedicate this article to Julian Assange, who always advocated for truth and is still imprisoned because of exposing dark secrets. Truth must always prevail; a free press is necessary in our daily lives but is unfortunately scarce today. We must fight for it to ensure a free press, rule of law, and democratic society.

3 thoughts on “The Ugly Face of War, and where is Malta in all of this? 

  1. Great observations. It’s clear that for the author preventing suffering as a moral imperative resonates strongly with his ethical framework. This is why it pains him to see injustice fomented in certain quarters that should lead by example. Keep writing Alexander, and keep us informed.

  2. Excellent article Alexander , well depicted in its substance and spread around with your testimony of a true Patriot .Thank you Simon for your work and support on publishing so many great article . Though I knew everything that Alexander narrated in this article , I am sincerely pleased to read that someone put together all this data . People have to have the chance to read and get to know how things are . Although Alexander article is full of historical untold facts , it shows that he really care that people get to know the truth .
    Thanks Simon , thanks Alexander .
    Good luck you both in to MEPs Elections 🙏🙏🙏

  3. Thank you Alexander and Simon for this great article. As a nation, the Maltese and all its residents should feel safe in the knowledge that our Neutrality is firmly embedded in our Constitution, this is of paramount importance due to our small island status and our geographical location.
    I would just like to add to the facts in this article, that the A.F.M. clearly state that “A.F.M. does not employ conscription” and that any participation in the AFM is voluntary. The latest figures I can find are for 2017 are 1,950 personnel and 180 reservists.
    Previous participation in trouble spots and due to our neutrality has always been on a Humanitarian or Rescue basis.
    Maltese citizens should be appalled that any agreements with the EU or NATO are being made without consultation or agreement of Maltese citizens/civilians.

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