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Richard Cachia Caruana tela’ fil-parlament Ewropew ma’ Lawrence Gonzi imma ħarab li jidher fir-ritratti marbuta ma’ din iż-żjara

Minn qarrej ta’ dan il-blogg li jgħix fi Brussell

Li Roberta Metsola tiddandan b’Lawrence Gonzi fil-Parlament Ewropew u tintroduċih bħala l-Prim Ministru “tagħha” juri kemm għaġġel Robert Abela meta mar jitgħannaq magħha. Mela biex jitgħannaq ma’ Roberta Metsola tajjeb. Imma mbagħad iwarrab lil-Laburisti ġenwieni biex jaħdem bin-nies tal-PN.

Din l-istoria tkompli tikxef ukoll kif taħsibha Roberta Metsola u l-klikka tagħha li wara 10 snin għadhom ma aċċettawx li l-Partit Nazzjonalista m’għadux fil-Gvern. Infakkar li kienet l-istess klikka ta’ Roberta Metsola li kissret lil dan il-partit.

Interessanti hu n-network li għandu Richard Cachia Caruana fil-parlament Ewropew u f’Dar Malta. Dan in-network għadu hemm. Jien inkun fil-Parlament Ewropew u rajt lil Richard Cachia Caruana idur kullimkien ma’ Lawrence Gonzi.

Iżda ma rajtux fir-ritratti uffiċjali. Għandi kurżita’ inkun naf f’liema rwol kien hemm Richard Cachia Caruana u min ħallaslu biex jitla’ Strasbourg.

Żgur mhux bħala membru tal-Board tad-Diretturi tal-Corinthia fejn illum hu sar jikkmanda kollox. Aktar kien hemm bħala dak li jiġbed l-ispag kemm ta’ Gonzi u ta’ Metsola.

4 thoughts on “Richard Cachia Caruana tela’ fil-parlament Ewropew ma’ Lawrence Gonzi imma ħarab li jidher fir-ritratti marbuta ma’ din iż-żjara

  1. L-awtur jista jserrah rasu l-niesa parlamentari fil-PN se jgibu biedla radikali ghal Robert Abela u shabu.

  2. The irony is that this man who Metsola calls her Prime Minister, is the same man who Mark Camilleri can’t wait to see him kick the bucket and go 6 feet under…which he would cherish whilst going high on cannabis.

    And soon after he said this on his crappy blog, our dear Metsola posed for a pic with a wide smile, ear to ear with Mark Camilleri.

    And she had the gall to meet the same Gonzi and refer to him proudly as her prime minister.

    What a hypocrite!

  3. Hypocrisy is a virtue. Grandstanding on the misfortunes of others, including DCG death, the war in Ukraine and the conflict in Gaza. Are these not obvious double standards like when someone had to return the favour to Antonio Tajani for his support to be anointed and then bend the house rules and play with words to deceitfully recruit Tajani’s man, Alessandro Chiocchetti? Is cronyism not a form of corruption? Where did all the cries for meritocracy go wrong? Is that the rule of law or just egotistical selfish politicians playing kings and queens to secure their pigging out?



  4. Cronyism at its very best.
    These low-lifes have no integrity and certainly don’t give two hoots about the Maltese nor the European people.
    They simply dance the tune of the invisible hands who pull their strings as they become richer and richer.
    Ursula Van der Leyen is the demon queen of the U.E.and Metsola her handmaiden who, one would imagine was certainly privy to what went on with the fraudulent deal of 32 billion ( paid for by the European taxpayers money), between Albert Bourla CEO of Pfizer and Ursula Van der Leyen on behalf of the EU, for the purchase of 8 billion Covid jabs (which equates to 10 jabs per every European citizen), still waiting for us in the pipeline, when the next Pandemic is orchestrated.
    Inexplicably the existing contract between these two, was done privately behind closed doors, and when it came to light through the perseverance of Romanian MEP Cristian Terhes, it was found to be 95% redacted (blackened out).
    So what exactly was hidden from us ‘common people’ that they had to go to such lengths?
    And why did Pfizer want to stop their official documents/information becoming public about the adverse effects these jabs caused, for 75 years?
    (Thankfully this was legally overturned and the Pfizer documents were made public by an American Court ruling).
    Metsola’s unwavering support for the US, its European and Zionist cronies in their backing the devastating genocidal acts in Gaza is heinous, especially when there is such a global outcry to stop this endless mass murder. We must ask ourselves – Why ?
    And now to the Ukrainian/Russian war.
    Why is Malta through their mouthpiece vipers in the EU, who support the war-mongers in the US senate, their European and Israeli counterparts, NATO and United Nations unless they too are getting paid handsomely for doing so ?
    One need only do some research to realise that the premise for this proxy war is a lie, being manipulated and financed by the chosen few, because the spoils of this war are so high.
    And why have our Maltese govt. and NATO (which is a war-machine) signed a recent contract agreeing to send our young people to fight other people’s dirty war ? The only outcome being that our children will be brought back home in body-bags !!! Maybe David Agius who is also all for this war, will do the brave thing and offer himself and those he loves on the front line ?
    It’s obvious that our MEP representatives have two weights and two measures when negotiating politics.
    Finally, Metsola’s latest disgusting display at the EU of switching off the sound system whilst German MEP Christine Anderson was speaking, was undemocratic and clearly highlights how the EU is now in the corrupt hands of the Elite tyrants and despots with a global agenda.

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