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Fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian Man and Woman to protect US and EU interests.

By Romegas

For two whole years we have been narrated a fictitious tale. We have been told that we must continue to support the fight against Russia to save freedom and democracy, that we must support the Ukrainian regime  because it shares our values – whatever they are, that we must sacrifice everything if necessary – our economies, our future and if necessary even our children in this lofty pursuit.

But in a rare moment of honesty and clarity, the EU’s foreign representative has come clean and finally told us that we must continue to support Zelensky’s regime not out of generosity, not out of some shared ideals, not because we love the Ukrainians but in the interests of the USA and the EU.

Now let us be clear – that when Borrell says in the interests of the USA and the EU, he doesn’t mean in the interests of the populations of these actors and in the EU’s case not necessarily even in the interests of the constituent member states – indeed for most of them the outcome is already catastrophic and the future bleak. No, what he really means is that we must continue to support the fight against Russia in order to maintain the privileged position of the financial and globalist elite even if it takes the entire destruction of Ukraine and its population.

This candid admission by Borrell immediately raises the question that if the US and EU are entitled to use the Ukrainians as a proxy to protect their interests – why can’t Russia fight to protect its own interests? The hypocrisy is astounding.

After all it was not Russia that staged a coup in Ukraine in 2014. It was Russia that was duped that NATO wasn’t supposed to move one inch eastwards in return for the reunification of Germany. It was Russia that was duped in the Minsk agreements that the EU countries of Germany and France were supposed to honour. And it was Russia that did have the duty of protecting ethnic Russians from the brutal repression of the Banderite Junta in Kiev.

It is a well known fact, that Russia and Ukraine were very close to signing a peace treaty in April of 2022 (in fact Ukrainian negotiators has already initialled the agreement)–  the terms of which, in retrospect  were considerably light. In exchange of Ukraine’s neutrality, considerably smaller armed forces and the recognition of Crimea as Russian and the autonomy of Lugansk and Donetsk – Ukraine would have survived as a viable state. Indeed Russia did not even forbid EU membership if this is what the Ukrainian population wanted and as long as minority rights were enshrined in the Ukrainian constitution.

It was not Russia that sabotaged this peace treaty – but the USA and the EU. In their gross miscalculation that Russia could be defeated economically and militarily they convinced Ukraine to continue the fight.

The consequences of that decision have been nothing but catastrophic. For the Ukrainians it practically meant the end of the viability of the country to exists as an independent entity. Ukraine is now beyond bankrupt, its infrastructure destroyed and most importantly its population decimated.

Since that fateful decision, by the most conservative estimates – Ukraine has lost over half a million men killed in action with probably three times as much people who have been crippled for life. According to some, such as Polish General Raimund Andrzejczak – Ukraine’s losses have been in the millions particularly if one also factors in all the Ukrainians that have fled, probably never to return.

The losses at the front are so catastrophic that even western media have begun to admit that Ukraine is simply running out of men to continue to fight. Forget all the news about the lack of ammunition (things are far more complicated than that – let us just mention that after firing a certain amount of rounds, a gun barrel needs replacing and unless you have the capacity to replace them in industrial quantities, you can have all the ammunition in the world but still cannot use it) – the real problem is running out of people. This is a war being fought over a 1000km front  and with Ukraine losing an estimated 30,000 a month and incapable of replacing them at the same or preferably greater rate can only lead to one conclusion – defeat. Furthermore, this is not simply a matter of replacing bodies – Officers and trained combat soldiers are extremely difficult to replace. Sending fresh recruits to the front is essentially a suicide mission.

An attritional war such as the Russians have chosen to fight – is a science – it is mathematical – it is the result of quadrilateral equations. There is no hope for Ukraine to win this war. To force them to continue to fight they simply cannot win to the last man and woman therefore becomes a crime of monumental proportions.

But then again, as we have just learned – we never loved the Ukrainians – They were always disposable tools in the USA’s and the EU’s interest. They were led  down the garden path in the most cynical of fashions.

Ukraine does not only have the problem of trying to find replacements from a shrinking pool – it has an even greater problem in the fact that the majority of those that remain alive have no intention of being sent on a one-way ticket to the front.

As a consequence, the Kiev regime has increasingly resorted to literally press-ganging people off the streets – yes that’s right, literally kidnapping people off the streets and sending them to the front, even if sick or the mentally unstable. Having run out of men, the regime is trying to mobilise women – and indeed the number of women in Ukraine increasingly constitute a greater portion of freshly dug up graves in Ukraine’s ever expanding cemeteries. As a consequence of this, whatever is left of Ukraine’s men and women – are increasingly opposing the regime’s attempts to sacrifice them on the altar of the USA’s and the EU’s interests.

And yet the EU and US elite – are not satisfied, the bloodlust to defend their ‘’interests’’ is insatiable and they have been putting ever greater  pressure on the Ukrainian regime to extend its mobilisation effort – and indeed the latest mobilization bill currently under discussion will now allow 18 year-olds to be sent to their deaths.

It is a small mercy, that the Russians have done their damnest to avoid civilian casualties. This is the first war since WWI where the number of civilian casualties is not only less but much less than the military ones  (in WWII the ratio was 60% civilian deaths) – and if you had any doubts just compare the civilian deaths in Gaza in a few months (with civilian deaths accounting for well over 80% of the casualties) with those in Ukraine in two years of war.    

That fatal decision in 2022 was also catastrophic for the populations of Europe and eventually the USA – but to explain why in detail would require a series of articles.

Mobilization in Ukraine is now literally press-ganging

The brutal treatment meted out to anyone who resists.

You can spend hours on Telegram watching the methods employed to sustain “European values”

The Times of Malta will never show you how those who are desperate to avoid mobilization are treated… Ukrainians have been thrown out of the bus on top of each other and beaten like dogs by the SBU officers after being caught trying to flee Ukraine to Romania.

Another “ingenious” way to kidnap men for their mobilisation. Instead of running after people on the streets they now enter apartment blocks, turn off your electricity and wait for the men to come out of the house to check out the switch box.. The poor guy didn’t even have a chance to take off his pyjama and banana slippers..

Ukrainians are so fed up with the lawlessness and the kidnappings of the mobilisation officers they are starting to take matters in their own hands. A man from Chernivitsi smashed a group of mobilisation officers with his car and then came back with an axe to finish the job… this is but one video out of many that shows the growing resistance to mobilisation in Ukraine

Increased dose of propaganda to entice women to sign up – portraying war as glamorous…

But war is anything but glamorous – it is tragic – particularly when it is fought in the interests of others.

One thought on “Fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian Man and Woman to protect US and EU interests.

  1. Jien nixtieq nieħu din l-opportunità biex nerġa’ nistieden lil dawk li jifhmu bit-Taljan biex isegwu din l-intervista -jekk għadhom ma għamlux dan-, li saret fit-2019. L-affarijiet ilhom ġejjin, is-sinjali jkunu hemm, biss hawn Malta qatt ma kellna coverage tal-affarijiet minn lenti oġġettiva u bilanċjata. Dan il-ġurnalist taljan miet qabel bdiet il-gwerra fl-Ukrajna.


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