Where your opinion counts

Tony Galea, one of the Nationalists hit by Kevin and Lina Wain’s block vote strategy, wrote a lengthy message on his Facebook Page

After his name was mentioned by Kevin Wain, Tony Galea wrote a lengthy reply to explain his position and loyalty towards the Nationalist Party. Yesterday, Kevin Wain sent messages to fellow Sliema Nationalists and appealed to them not to vote for Tony Galea and other fellow Nationalists because they had supported Adrian Delia for the leadership race. I am reproducing Galea’s reply in full. Galea uploaded his reply on his Facebook page. Tony Galea is one of the PN candidates for the sectional PN election that is going to be held on Saturday in this locality.

3 thoughts on “Tony Galea, one of the Nationalists hit by Kevin and Lina Wain’s block vote strategy, wrote a lengthy message on his Facebook Page

  1. Dottore .

    Ippermettili jaddi kumment please u forsi il quddiem tkun tista’ taghrif xi kummenti il quddiem. Hemm rapport fuq Lovin Malta reguard l stazzjonijiet tat T.V. politiċi. Tant NET qedim jridu li wara it telfa Tal l elezzjoni 2013 bdew ma jlahqux ghal spejjeż u beda sejjer lura hafna. Nahseb hija haġa suspettuża le bdew ma jlahqux ma l spejjeż kif tilfu l elezzjoni. Mela wiehed isaqsi kif meta kienu fil gvern kienu ghaddejien veru kellhom xi telf imma milli jidher ma kellhomx xi problema? Nirringrazzjak Tal Blog veru nteresanti. Grazzi Ch.Cardona

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